Inspiration ads


Introduction to Inspiration ads
Inspiration ads are flexible merchandising solutions that spark out-of-aisle discovery. This helps you reach consumers with a curated experience at a moment that might not be possible with products alone. Designed for long-term brand equity impact...
Set up Inspiration ads
Each inspiration ad campaign can contain multiple ad groups. Each ad group contains 1 ad customers see, according to the targeting criteria you set. To create a new campaign— Click  Create Campaign  in the top-right corner. Type a descriptive...
Manage inspiration ads
Check campaign or ad group status Ads Manager monitors the status of your campaigns and ad groups. Please note that the account, campaign, and ad group must  all  be active to participate in auctions. Campaigns Check your campaign status— ...
Measure inspiration ad performance
Analytics NOTE : You can break down inspiration ad metrics by ad group keywords. We measure the following inspiration ads metrics— Spend : How much budget your ads spent. Impressions : Number of times users viewed your ad.  Clicks :...
Inspiration ad creative guidelines
Use these guidelines when adding creative assets to your recipe ad.  Ad guidelines Creative guidelines These guidelines apply to the recipe ad format, which includes an image or video,  logo, and tagline, and showcases up to 3 UPCs on mobi...