Display creative guidelines

Use these guidelines when adding creative assets to your display ad groups. Learn more about display ads.

Shoppable display guidelines

Creative guidelines

These guidelines apply to the shoppable display ad format, which includes lifestyle imagery, a logo, tagline, and showcases up to 3 UPCs on mobile and 5 UPCs on desktop.

Shoppable displays click out to Pages. Learn more about setting up Pages.

Lifestyle images

File format



Maximum: 1MB


  • Mobile: 16:9

  • Desktop: 16:9


  • Minimum: 1067x600px

  • Maximum: 1600x900px 

Image requirements 

For the best performance, make sure your images are focused, contextualized, and not text heavy. 

  • Image Focus: Use images with a single focus area

  • Image Context: Use an image that highlights your product’s benefits. This may include functional or emotional benefits, examples of how it’s used in real life, or common pairings with other items. 

  • Image to Text ratio: Images should have minimal text displayed

Ad copy

  • 22 characters max 

  • Taglines can include brand names, slogans, value propositions, or seasonal language

Tagline29 characters maximum


File format



Maximum: 0.5 MB


Note: Logos are cropped into circles.

  • Mobile: 120x120

  • Desktop: 120x120


  • Mobile: 1:1

  • Desktop: 1:1


  • Minimum: 72x72px

  • Maximum: 120x120px

Display Ad banner guidelines 

Note: Currently available in the U.S. only.

These guidelines apply to the display ad format, which is a banner that appears on the storefront, departments, aisles, and search results pages.  To ensure a timely campaign launch we recommend submitting your creatives for approval at least 3 days prior to your start date.

Display ads click out to Pages. Learn more about setting up Pages.  

Asset requirements

(4) Creative Banners

  • Desktop and mobile banners with CTA

  • Desktop and mobile banners without CTA

  • Mobile: 3200x800 

  • Desktop: 3200x400

File format

  • JPG or PNG

  • 2.5 MB max size


  • Mobile: 4:1 

  • Desktop: 8:1


At least 3200px wide (mobile and desktop)

Ad copy

  • At least 15px (mobile and desktop)

  • Bold type recommended at smaller scales

Button image (if applicable)

  • 3:1 ratio

  • At least 100x30 pixels (mobile) or 120x40 pixels (desktop)

  • Bold type recommended at smaller scales

Our team reviews all assets and campaigns to make sure they adhere to our Ad policies. Campaign review decisions are sent via email and viewable in Ads Manager. Learn more about Instacart Ad policies.

Reach out to ads-help@instacart.com if you have more questions about your ad group status.