Set up a Recipe page

All Recipe ads click through to a Recipe page. The Recipe page has all of the relevant recipe information. 

To set up a Recipe page—

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Library, then Recipes.

  2. Click Create recipe in the top right corner. 

Build your recipe 

From here, you can create a completely customized recipe.

You must include the main components—

  • Recipe title

  • Brand name 

  • Brand logo

  • Hero image   

  • Ingredients 

  • Instructions 

Basic details 

  1. Add a descriptive title. Your Title must match the recipe (ex. You can’t call a pasta made with marinara sauce a carbonara.) Don’t include dietary attributes (ex gluten-free, kosher, vegan, etc).

    1. The Recipe Title must have quotation marks around any intentional misspellings. 

  2. Write a short description of the recipe. 

  3. Include the Prep time (optional) and Active time in minutes. 

  4. Write the total servings the recipe makes. 


  1. Write your brand name. 

  2. Add your brand logo. Instacart accepts seasonal or themed logos with minor adjustments (ex. rainbow-colored for pride month, adding a Santa hat during the holidays, etc).

    1. Please provide a square logo that matches the brand of your featured ingredient. It will be cropped into a circle. You can upload as a PNG (recommended) or a JPG. The file must be between 72-120 pixels wide and  1 MB maximum. 

Recipe image 

The hero image must feature a visually appealing, realistic shot of the final product after cooking or baking. The final, completed recipe must take up 85% of a given dimension (height or width). Hero imagery must be a 16:9 ratio, 3200-9600px wide, and either a JPG or PNG file. 

You must disclose if it’s an AI-generated image. 


Include every ingredient required for the recipe. This includes sponsored and non-sponsored ingredients. The list of ingredients on your Recipe page determines how your products display in your ad.  

You must provide an amount for each ingredient, however, preparation (ex. chopped, diced) is optional. 

If you can’t find or select your ingredient from the ingredient dropdown, please contact Instacart to help. 

You can add Sponsored ingredients by searching for specific products or directly entering UPCs. At least one sponsored ingredient must be in stock at the consumer’s selected retailer for the recipe ad to serve. 

If you can’t find or select your ingredient from the ingredient dropdown, please contact Instacart to help. 

Cooking instructions 

Instructions must clearly and reasonably explain how to prepare the recipe. Isolate each step on its own line. 

You can add nutritional information in the Additional details section.